PhD course announcement

In the Neptun system generally the first 3 weeks of the semester are the course registration period of that semester.

Every PhD student should contact his/her own supervisor and the tutors/lecturers of the PhD courses he/she would like to attend in the next semester of the present academic year.

The list of registered courses of the Doctoral School and detailed descriptions of the subjects can be found at:

 In every semester the next "Research Work..." course have to be requested from the supervisor to be announced as well.
 (Neither the educational courses nor the subjects of "Research work..." is automatically announced.)

 At the request of the students, in consultation with them, the instructors/tutors themselves will indicate to the secretary of the Doctoral School the title and the subject code of the PhD courses to be announced in the Neptun system in the next semester.


    Please note that

    •  the courses for conference attendance or for education and should be also requested in the beginning of the semester, and
    •  the admission to courses of other doctoral schools is also special.

     Ask the secretary of the Doctoral School about these specialities.


    In the 2+2 year system the PhD students have to prepare an Annual Report in the spring semester of the 1st and the 3rd year. The corresponding Annual Report courses will be announced in the Neptun system and the PhD  students should register to this course as well.

    In order to be able to prepare for the complex (or final) exam more effectively in the fourth semester, it is advisable for the PhD students to obtain the educational (16)  credits required by the training plan in the first three semesters.

    The Doctoral Council of the University of Debrecen announces (generally in the spring semesters) the obligatory PhD course of General Research Methods (subject code: DEAKIDI_EN )  in the Neptun system.


    Last update: 2023. 03. 26. 20:04